Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Real Christmas Trees Best for the Environment

Now for something a little less serious (since you all know how much I just love environmentalism).

I've always believed that in the debate between real and artificial Christmas trees, real ones are the way to go. This seems only logical to me as a Lutheran. The holy day of Christmas is about the Word becoming flesh, truly human, which we celebrate by receiving the real body and blood of Christ in Holy Communion. How could I then have a fake tree in my house for the festival? Lutherans always prefer the real thing, even if it's a little bit earthier, messier, and less convenient. That's the nature of a theology that's grounded in the creation, the incarnation, the cross, and the sacraments.

OK, so perhaps I'm overdoing it a bit trying to apply this to Christmas trees. I know it doesn't really matter one way or the other what kind of tree one has. But after hearing the news on the radio this morning, somehow I now feel even better in my preference for real trees. They're environmentally correct! According to this article, the debate is settled. And here are more arguments for the real thing.

So if the theological argument doesn't persuade you, maybe the environmental one will. Get a real Christmas tree!

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